Hi, my name is Jeffrey Adu
I'm a Full-Stack Developer

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About me

As a First Class Petroleum Engineering graduate from the University of Portsmouth, I have transitioned my analytical prowess and problem-solving capabilities into the tech world. I am a creative and dedicated emerging software developer with hands-on experience in IT support and a portfolio of dynamic web projects. Driven by innovation and a zeal for learning, I am on a quest to harness technology to create impactful solutions. Outside the virtual environment, I indulge in reading business books and memorizing motivational quotes, nurturing my entrepreneurial spirit.

My goal is to continuously evolve as a tech professional and leverage my diverse skills to drive progress in software development.

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QuizMakerAI is an intelligent web application designed to assist students by generating quiz questions based on their lecture notes. By leveraging the OpenAI API, the app not only creates personalized quizzes but also provides detailed explanations for incorrect answers, helping students to reinforce their understanding of key concepts. The tool is ideal for students seeking a smarter way to study and improve retention of course material.

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Jarvis: AI Chatbot

Introducing 'Jarvis' - a cutting-edge chatbot designed for Algonquin College to enhance student interactions and streamline access to academic resources. Built with TypeScript, Nuxt.js, and leveraging the OpenAI API, this tool integrates seamlessly into the college’s ecosystem, providing immediate support and responses to student inquiries. A testament to modern web development techniques and AI integration

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"Mr. Brains" - Advanced Facial Recognition Web Application

I developed "Mr. Brains," a sophisticated web application that enhances user security through precise facial recognition technology. This tool allows users to upload images and instantly detect faces, providing a seamless interface for managing digital identity. With a strong focus on privacy, it ensures all data is handled securely. Future Developments: A reverse image search feature is currently in development, which will enable comprehensive tracking of users' images across the web, further empowering users to control their digital footprint.

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Casa City Website

Developed and launched a comprehensive website for Casa City, a construction company based in Accra, Ghana. The site features a modern design, with intuitive navigation to showcase the company's services.

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"Dynamic Maze Solver" - Real-time Algorithm Visualization

I created the "Dynamic Maze Solver," a sophisticated web application that leverages React to visualize maze-solving algorithms. This interactive tool allows users to generate mazes and observe Breadth-First and Depth-First Search algorithms in action, offering deep insights into their operational dynamics. Enhanced with interactive controls, vivid visuals, and sound effects, it provides an immersive experience that simplifies complex algorithmic concepts. Future updates will expand its functionality and customization options.

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I am on the lookout for a role where I can apply my technical skills and drive for innovation. Interested in discussing potential job opportunities or collaborations? Please reach out to me.

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